For the new year Nick and I got Jawbone Up bands to just keep our focus on being healthy. I kept meaning to post about it but the thought got away from me and here I am just remembering! This is possibly the greatest invention ever (you know, besides the iPhone, iPad, thin laptops and the internet). As many of you know I work in retail and I always wondered how much I walk a day. Turns out I walk about 10 miles a day! Insanity! No wonder I'm so tired after work!
Another great thing about the Jawbone is that it tracks your sleep. It also scolds you when you don't get enough sleep, which is motivation enough for me to turn off the TV and get to bed at a decent time. It also tracks your calories so you can quit that stress eating and start eating right!
To top is all off, if you know people who have a Jawbone you can add them to your team so you can see how others are doing with their steps and sleep. I don't think I will ever stop using the Jawbone. Unless, of course, they come out with an even higher tech one! However, I don't know what that would include ha! Take it from me, having a Jawbone wristband is worth the money. It's a great motivator to get yourself back into shape. I've already lost 10 pounds!
I had never heard of Jawbone before but this sounds really interesting. Do you have the Up or the UP24? I always buy pedometers but end up losing them or the clip ends up breaking - this seems great.