It's amazing how much time you have after work when you don't have to go to class! These past couple weeks I have used that time to catch up with some people I missed while I was busy cramming for tests and doing homework.
My first semester of college I went to Concordia University in Wisconsin. There I met a couple people that I am so happy to still be in touch with! One is Sarah, my roomie! We hit it off at the CUW visit before we were officially enrolled. We kept in touch and when we both decided to enroll we requested each other for roommate (you know, so we don't get some random weirdo!) We live about an hour apart so it is difficult to always see each other but luckily we were able to catch up in person instead of just sending 50 Snap Chats a day!

We met up at Buffalo Wild Wings for some friend pickles, mojitos and beer! It was definitely a good night!
The other friend I was so happy to catch up with was Steph! Now, we had not seen each other for three years! You know how it is, texts every once in a while, likes and comments and pokes on Facebook. We were both so busy with school and work. But it was like a day hadn't passed!
Just like old times!! I wish she didn't live so far away! We had a great time though! She came over first so she could see the dogs first, then we went out for dinner and drinks. We stopped at Redbox on the way back and got a very corny scary movie (I still was a little jumpy!) and ate a lot of popcorn! I can't wait until I get to see her again, I hope its not another 3 years!
I also was able to go to the city with my sister! It was my first time drinking in Chicago, and it was so much fun! It was also my first time ever riding in a cab. Talk about pathetic... ha! I have lived in the Chicago suburbs my whole life, born and raised, and have never been in a cab before. Let me tell you, there was times I was afraid for my life.
We went to Howl at the Moon and it was a great time! Who knew a piano bar could rock so hard! When we walked in there was a reserved table that had a sign that said Adam Levine and we were really hoping we were going to be meeting The Adam Levine, but no dice. But we got there at the perfect time, it was pretty quiet but soon enough it was packed! Our table was the closest to the dance floor which was fun except when the strobe lights came on and almost blinded us out of our seats!
Overall three great nights!
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