Tuesday, November 12, 2013

DAY 12: 30 Scarf Challenge

So it is finally feeling like the holidays are here since it snowed yesterday! The snow was beautiful! It only stuck to the grass and there isn't enough to make it a hassle so it was perfect.

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Typical Husky admiring the snow.

As I was sitting at home drinking some coffee this is the amazing view I had. 

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Today is the first day of the season where I am actually wearing my Ugg boots! Well, knock off Ugg boots (I don't make that kind of money!). It was very exciting. In previous years I had worn my boots since the first sign of fall. But I found by the time New Year's is over I'm sick of wearing them, so I decided to hold off this year until snow was actually on the ground. 

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And here is my scarf! I'm completely in love with this scarf. It is so warm and so so soft. Today I wrapped it around my neck twice instead of once to keep my neck warm. 

On a side note, I wanted to share this with you...

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I laughed out loud when I saw this today, I had to go back and take a picture! I'm sure every one knows about No-Shave-November (aka Movember ha!) I saw a post on Facebook yesterday about some men not being able to grow mustaches and I thought this was such a great solution. So there are only three left, but let me know and I'll grab you one! Have a wonderful Tuesday!